Manual Philips Walita RI3103 Panela pressão

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1 Your electric pressure cooker
Congratulations on your purchase, and welcome to Philips!
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product at
2 What’s in the box
Electric pressure cooker main unit Rice spoon
Soup ladle Measuring cup
Power cord User manual
Safety leaet Warranty card
Service list Recipe
Pressure regulator valve
Side handle
Floating valve
Water level indications
Sealing ring
Locking pin
Top lid
Inner pot
Lid handle
Power socket
Heating indicator
Control knob
Keep pressure/Keep warm
Heating element
3 Before first use
1 Remove all packaging materials from the appliance.
2 Take out all the accessories from the inner pot.
3 Clean the parts of the electric pressure cooker thoroughly
before using it for the rst time (see chapter ‘Cleaning and
Make sure all parts are completely dry before you start using the
electric pressure cooker.
4 Using the electric pressure
Before using the electric pressure cooker to cook food, you need to
follow below preparations:
1 Hold the lid handle and turn it clockwise until the top lid cannot
move any more, then lift up the top lid.
2 Take out the inner pot from the electric pressure cooker and
put the prewashed food in the inner pot.
3 Put the inner pot back into the electric pressure cooker.
4 Place the top lid onto the electric pressure cooker and turn it
anti-clockwise. You will hear a “click” sound when the top lid is
properly locked.
5 Turn the pressure control valve to the “Cooking with pressure”
position (
Cozinhar com pressão
To braise, fry or bake food, turn the pressure control valve to the
"Cooking without pressure" position (
Cozinhar sem pressão
Make sure the sealing ring is properly assembled around the inside
of the top lid.
Make sure the pressure regulator valve and oating valve are clean
and not blocked.
Make sure the outside of the inner pot is dry and clean, and that there
is no foreign residue on the heating element or the magnetic switch.
Make sure the inner pot is in proper contact with the heating element.
Cooking food
Do not ll the inner pot with less than 1/3 or more than 2/3 full
of food and liquid.
For food that expands during cooking, do not ll the inner pot
with more than 1/2 full of food and liquid.
For rice cooking, follow the water level indications on the inside
of the inner pot. You can adjust the water level for different types
of rice and your own preference. Do not exceed the quantities
indicated on the inside of the inner pot.
Make sure the oater falls down before cooking.
1 Follow the preparation steps in “Using the electric pressure
2 Put the plug in the power socket.
» The “Heating” indicator ( ) lights up.
» The electric pressure cooker starts heating and pressurizing.
3 Turn the control knob clockwise to choose the pressure keeping
4 When the electric pressure cooker reaches the working
pressure, the Heating indicator ( ) turns off and the
Keep Pressure/Keep warm indicator ( ) lights up in the
color of orange.
» The electric pressure cooker enters pressure keeping mode.
5 When the pressure keeping time has elapsed, the control knob
will be at the Off position ( ), and the electric pressure
cooker automatically switches to keep warm mode.
» The Keep pressure/Keep warm indicator ( ) changes
its color from orange to green.
6 Turn the pressure regulator valve to the “Release pressure”
position ( ).
» The electric pressure cooker starts releasing pressure.
» The oater drops when the pressure is released sufciently.
7 Hold the top lid handle and turn the lid clockwise until it cannot
move any more, then lift it up.
When cooking soup or viscous liquid, do not release pressure by
turning the pressure regulator valve to the steam vent position,
otherwise liquid might spurt from the pressure control valve. Wait
until the pressure is naturally released and the oater has dropped
to open the top lid.
Once the pressure cooker is on, turn the control knob and set
the pressure keeping time. This is to avoid the pressure cooker to
automatically switch to keep warm mode after heating.
The pressure keeping timer will start counting when the working
pressure is reached.
After the cooking is nished and the pressure is released, unplug
the electric pressure cooker to turn off the keep warm function or
when not in use.
Choose the desired pressure keeping time according to the time
indications on the control panel. You can also adjust the pressure
keeping time for different types of food and your preference.
Adjustable pressure keeping time range
Cooking function Adjustable pressure keeping
time (minute)
White rice ( )
Fish ( )
Vegetables ( )
Roots ( )
Poultry ( )
Brown rice ( )
Pork ( )
Beans ( )
Beef ( )
Dry meat ( )
Assembling and disassembling the pressure
regulator valve
Do not disassemble the pressure regulator valve during
cooking. Always unplug the electric pressure cooker and wait
until the pressure has been released sufciently.
To disassemble the pressure regulator:
Turn the lower screw anticlockwise until it becomes loose, pull it
up and take out the pressure regulator.
To assemble the pressure regulator:
Put the pressure regulator back to the steam valve and make
sure the regulator points at the sealed position ( ). Turn the
screw clockwise until it is fastened.
5 Specifications
Model Number RI3103
Rated power output 900W
Rated capacity 5.0L
Diameter 22cm
Pressure keeping time 0-60 minutes
Always unplug the appliance if not used for a longer period.
6 Cleaning and Maintenance
Unplug the electric pressure cooker before starting to clean it.
Wait until the electric pressure cooker has cooled down
sufciently before cleaning it.
Inside of the outer lid and the main body:
Wipe with wrung out and damp cloth.
Make sure to remove all the food residues stuck to the electric
pressure cooker.
Heating element:
Wipe with wrung out and damp cloth.
Remove food residues with wrung out and damp cloth or
Sealing ring:
Soak in warm water and clean with sponge.
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
© 2014 Koninklijke Philips N.V.
All rights reserved.
What’s in the box Conteúdo da caixa
Using the electric pressure cooker
Como usar a panela de pressão elétrica
To disassemble the pressure regulator valve
Para desmontar a válvula reguladora de pressão
To assemble the pressure regulator valve
Para montar a válvula reguladora de pressão
Cooking food
Cozinhar alimentos
Descarregue o manual em português (PDF, 2.1 MB)
(Considere o meio ambiente e apenas imprima este manual se for realmente necessário)



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Mais sobre este manual

Entendemos que é bom ter um manual em papel para o seu Philips Walita RI3103 Panela pressão. Você sempre pode baixar o manual em nosso site e imprimi-lo você mesmo. Se desejar um manual original, recomendamos que entre em contato com Philips Walita. Eles podem fornecer um manual original. Você está procurando o manual do seu Philips Walita RI3103 Panela pressão em outro idioma? Escolha o seu idioma preferido em nossa página inicial e pesquise o número do modelo para ver se o temos disponível.


Marca Philips Walita
Modelo RI3103
Categoria Panelas pressão
Tipo de arquivo PDF
Tamanho do arquivo 2.1 MB

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Perguntas frequentes sobre Philips Walita RI3103 Panela pressão

Nossa equipe de suporte pesquisa informações úteis e respostas a perguntas frequentes sobre produtos. Se você encontrar algum dado incorreto em nossas perguntas frequentes, informe-nos usando nosso formulário de contato.

Com que frequência o anel isolante da minha panela de pressão deve ser substituído? Verificado

O ideal é que o anel isolante da panela de pressão seja verificado pelo menos uma vez por ano e substituído se necessário. A duração do anel isolante depende da marca, modelo e uso.

Isso foi útil (715) Consulte Mais informação

Uma panela de arroz é o mesmo que uma panela de pressão? Verificado

Embora esses dois produtos sejam muito semelhantes, eles são fundamentalmente diferentes. A maior diferença é que uma panela de pressão sempre pode ser fechada hermeticamente e uma panela de arroz, não.

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Manual Philips Walita RI3103 Panela pressão

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