Manual TOMY TF575 Digital Audio Monitor de bebê

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Your Tomy Movement Sensor Pad Monitor has been carefully designed to sit underneath the mattress of your cot or
Moses basket to detect all movements baby makes and to emit an alarm when no movement is detected after 20
Every movement is accompanied by a soft click and an illuminated visual indicator. Should no movement be detected
on the Movement Sensor Pad for 20 seconds, a continual beep alarm will be activated.
Ideal for monitoring baby from the nursery, connect the Movement Sensor Pad to the Baby Unit as shown above,
your Parent Unit will emit an extended beep indicating connection; all movement monitoring has now transferred
through to your Parent Unit via the soft click and illuminated icon.
Fail Safe – In the unlikely event of loosing connection with the Baby Unit, your Parent Unit will again emit an
extended ‘beep’ at which time all movement monitoring and alarms will revert back to the Baby Unit.
Suited for when Baby is in the bedroom with you and you have no need for remote or audio monitoring. Connect the
Movement Sensor Pad as shown (above). Activate the Baby Unit by pressing and holding the icon, it shall
illuminate green and the button shall illuminate red. Movement monitoring shall commence.
Whilst monitoring this way, the soft clicks and alarm shall emit through the baby only (having no need for your
Parent Unit, at this stage). The Nightlight and Lullabies have also been designed to work independently, activate by
pressing the respective icons; .
When the times comes and you wish to use the full features of your monitor. Deactivate the Baby Unit and reactivate by
pressing and holding the button until it illuminates green then follow the ‘remote monitoring’ instructions (above).
For safety reasons the alarm volume can not be adjusted. The volume of the movement sensor clicks are independent
from the Parent Units audio monitoring volume and can be adjusted by sliding the switch on the underside of the Baby
Before every use we recommend carrying out the following checks with the Pad in the cot or Moses basket. Firstly
tap the mattress, at which time your Parent or Baby Unit shall emit a soft click and the indicator shall ash
Green. Follow this by leaving the Pad to stand untouched for 20 seconds, then the alarm shall sound and the
indicator shall illuminate red. Simply deactivate the alarm by tapping the mattress again.
The Tomy Movement Sensor Pad sits underneath the mattress of your cot or Moses basket as shown (below).
Once you have chosen baby’s sleeping area, position the Movement Sensor Pad to lie directly underneath her torso.
IMPORTANT! The Movement Sensor Pad must rest on a completely at, rigid surface and must be placed with the
‘Tomylogo’ side facing up. Ensure that no bedding is positioned between the mattress and the Movement Sensor Pad.
For best performance we recommend covering the base of slatted based cots with a thin layer (6mm) of plywood to
ensure an even surface. Ensure any loose cable is wrapped and tied to avoid possible entanglement. From the cot,
run the cable along the oor ensuring it is kept out of baby’s reach; excess cable should be spooled around the cable
Pad Sensor
Pad Sensor
Movement Indicator
Pad Sensor
Movement Indicator
Movement Sensor Pad
Positioning the Sensor Pad
Keep cot sides & ends at
least 38cm (15 inches)
from adjacent bedroom
Mute (Visual Indisctaor ( ) & alarm only)
Movement Click Volume Adjustment
Remote Monitoring
Local Monitoring (movement only)
Volume Adjustment
The Movement Sensor Pad can be used remotely through your Parent Unit or locally as a standalone Movement
Pad Sensor Input
Pad Sensor
Volume Control
Pad Sensor
Volume Control
Descarregue o manual em português (PDF, 33.65 MB)
(Considere o meio ambiente e apenas imprima este manual se for realmente necessário)



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Mais sobre este manual

Entendemos que é bom ter um manual em papel para o seu TOMY TF575 Digital Audio Monitor de bebê. Você sempre pode baixar o manual em nosso site e imprimi-lo você mesmo. Se desejar um manual original, recomendamos que entre em contato com TOMY. Eles podem fornecer um manual original. Você está procurando o manual do seu TOMY TF575 Digital Audio Monitor de bebê em outro idioma? Escolha o seu idioma preferido em nossa página inicial e pesquise o número do modelo para ver se o temos disponível.


Marca TOMY
Modelo TF575 Digital Audio
Categoria Monitores de bebé
Tipo de arquivo PDF
Tamanho do arquivo 33.65 MB

Todos os manuais para TOMY Monitores de bebé
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Perguntas frequentes sobre TOMY TF575 Digital Audio Monitor de bebê

Nossa equipe de suporte pesquisa informações úteis e respostas a perguntas frequentes sobre produtos. Se você encontrar algum dado incorreto em nossas perguntas frequentes, informe-nos usando nosso formulário de contato.

Por que o alcance do meu monitor para bebês é menor do que o folheto/manual descreve? Verificado

Os fabricantes costumam informar um alcance baseado no uso sem obstáculos, como paredes ou uma distância que cubra vários andares. Caso o alcance for insuficiente, tente posicionar o monitor para bebês de forma que tenha uma quantidade mínima de obstáculos.

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Ao ouvir meu bebê, posso ouvir claramente a respiração, mas o monitor do bebê não me deixa ouvir isso. Por que é que? Verificado

Isso se deve à sensibilidade do monitor do bebê. Ajuste as configurações para ser mais sensível e captar sons mais baixos.

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Manual TOMY TF575 Digital Audio Monitor de bebê

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