Manual Teka DH 985 Exaustor

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1 150/ 120 mm reduction.
2 Support for tubecover.
2 Wall support.
6 Wall plugs (Ø8 x 40).
6 Long bolts (Ø5 x 45).
4 Wall plugs (Ø6 x 30).
4 Long bolts (Ø4 x 30).
2 Ø6,4 x Ø18, washers.
2 Ø6,4 x Ø12, washers.
2 Screws (Ø3,9 x 13).
4 Screws M4 x 12.
2 Clips.
Fig. 1 (Page 31)
On installing the kitchen hood make sure
that the Safety Instructions set out on page
10 are complied with.
To obtain optimum performance, the external
conduct must not be more than FOUR
METRES long, have no more than two 90°
angles and its diameter must be at least Ø120.
1) Trace and drill the points for fitting the wall
plugs onto the wall (P) (Ø8 x 40) and (J) (Ø6 x
2) Attach the Supports (O) to the wall using the
long bolts (Q) (Ø5 x 45) and the support (H)
with the long bolts (I) (Ø4 x 30), as in figure 1.
3) Hang the kitchen hood onto the mounted
supports (O). Straighten the appliance by
tightening the long bolts (L) (M4 x 12).
4) Remove the metal filters. Loosen the screws
(without unscrewing them) of the EASYCLEAN
panels (A19), move the panels aside carefully
and take them off.
5) Trace the location of the wall plugs (R) (Ø8
x 40), through the inside of the kitchen hood.
6) Take the kitchen hood off.
7) Drill into the wall and fit the wall plugs (R)
(Ø8 x 40).
8) Hang the kitchen hood; tighten the screws
(M) (M4 x 12) with the washers (A3) (Ø6,4 x
Ø12) and the long bolts (S) (Ø5 x 45) with the
washers (T) (Ø6,4 x Ø18).
9) Mount the EASYCLEAN panel again (A19).
Fit the metal filters.
10) Mount the tubecovers, attaching the lower
one to the support (H) as per the detail in figure
1. Lift the upper tubecover up to the desired
height and mark its shape on the wall. Remove
the tubecovers.
11) Fit the clips (F) to the support (C).
12) Centre the support (C) around the shape
marked; trace and drill the fixing points for the
wall plugs (E) (Ø6 x 30). Attach the support (C)
with the long bolts (D) (Ø4 x 30).
13) Fit the part (B) if the inner tube (not
supplied) is Ø120.
14) Attach the inner tube with a clamp (not
supplied) to (B) or on to the motor's air outlet
vent as the case may be.
15) Once the inner tube is fitted, fit the lower
tubecover around the extractor fan outlet and
attach the upper tubecover with the screws (G)
(Ø3,9 x 13).
When exterior gas extraction is not possible,
then the kitchen hood may be set to purify the
air by recycling it through active charcoal
The active charcoal filters have an active life of
between three to six months, depending on
the individual conditions of use. These filters
cannot be washed nor regenerated. They must
be replaced once their useful life comes to an
Fig. 3 (Page 31)
1) Remove the metal filters. Loosen the screws
(without unscrewing them) of the EASYCLEAN
panels (K), move the panels aside carefully
and take them off.
2) Put the filters into the lateral draught section
of the motor making the holes in the filters
match up (A) with the pivots (B) of the motor
carcass. Turn as indicated in the diagram.
3) Mount the EASYCLEAN panel again (K). Fit
the metal filters.
4) Remove the tubecovers (E). Fit the diffuser
(C) on to the motor's air outlet vent. Fit the
tubecovers back on (E).
Active charcoal filters (Optional)
Accesories supplied
Descarregue o manual em português (PDF, 2.07 MB)
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Entendemos que é bom ter um manual em papel para o seu Teka DH 985 Exaustor. Você sempre pode baixar o manual em nosso site e imprimi-lo você mesmo. Se desejar um manual original, recomendamos que entre em contato com Teka. Eles podem fornecer um manual original. Você está procurando o manual do seu Teka DH 985 Exaustor em outro idioma? Escolha o seu idioma preferido em nossa página inicial e pesquise o número do modelo para ver se o temos disponível.


Marca Teka
Modelo DH 985
Categoria Exaustores
Tipo de arquivo PDF
Tamanho do arquivo 2.07 MB

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Perguntas frequentes sobre Teka DH 985 Exaustor

Nossa equipe de suporte pesquisa informações úteis e respostas a perguntas frequentes sobre produtos. Se você encontrar algum dado incorreto em nossas perguntas frequentes, informe-nos usando nosso formulário de contato.

Qual a distância que deve haver entre o meu exaustor e o meu fogão de mesa? Verificado

Isto pode variar dependendo da marca, mas geralmente um exaustor deve ser posicionado pelo menos 65 centímetros acima de um fogão de mesa a gás e pelo menos 50 centímetros acima de um fogão de mesa elétrico ou de indução. Isto é para melhorar a segurança contra incêndios

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Preciso de um exaustor com ou sem motor? Verificado

Os exaustores com motor destinam-se a quando o ar é movido diretamente para o exterior. Um exaustor sem motor é adequado para quando existe um sistema de ventilação central. Nunca conecte um exaustor com motor a um sistema de ventilação central!

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Manual Teka DH 985 Exaustor

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