Manual Salter 9158 Balança

Precisa de um manual para o seu Salter 9158 Balança? Abaixo você pode visualizar e baixar gratuitamente o manual em PDF em português. Este produto tem atualmente 4 perguntas frequentes, 2 comentários e tem 5 votos com uma classificação média do produto de 60/100. Se este não for o manual que você deseja, por favor contacte-nos.

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Age Low Optimal Moderate High
6 ≤14.4 14.5 - 23.0 23.1 - 26.1 ≥26.2
7 ≤14.9 15.0 - 24.5 24.6 - 27.9 ≥28.0
8 ≤15.3 15.4 - 26.0 26.1 - 29.6 ≥29.7
9 ≤15.7 15.8 - 27.2 27.3 - 31.1 ≥31.2
10 ≤16.0 16.1 - 28.2 28.3 - 32.1 ≥32.2
11 ≤16.1 16.2 - 28.8 28.9 - 32.7 ≥32.8
12 ≤16.1 16.2 - 29.1 29.2 - 33.0 ≥33.1
13 ≤16.1 16.2 - 29.4 29.5 - 33.2 ≥33.3
14 ≤16.0 16.1 - 29.6 29.7 - 33.5 ≥33.6
15 ≤15.7 15.8 - 29.9 30.0 - 33.7 ≥33.8
16 ≤15.5 15.6 - 30.1 30.2 - 34.0 ≥34.1
17 ≤15.1 15.2 - 30.1 30.2 - 34.3 ≥34.4
18 ≤14.7 14.8 - 30.8 30.9 - 34.7 ≥34.8
Age Low Optimal Moderate High
19 - 39 ≤8 8.1 - 19.9 20 - 24.9 ≥25
40 - 59 ≤11 11.1 - 21.9 22 - 27.9 ≥28
60+ ≤13 13.1 - 24.9 25 - 29.9 ≥30
Age Low Optimal Moderate High
19 - 39 ≤21 21.1 - 32.9 33 - 38.9 ≥39
40 - 59 ≤23 23.1 - 33.9 34 - 39.9 ≥40
60+ ≤24 24.1 - 35.9 36 - 41.9 ≥42
*Source: Derived from; HD McCarthy, TJ Cole, T Fry, SA Jebb and AM Prentice: “Body fat reference curves for
children”. International Journal of Obesity (2006) 30, 598–602.
**Source: Derived from; Dympna Gallagher, Steven B Heymsfield, Moonseong Heo, Susan A Jebb, Peter
R Murgatroyd, and Yoichi Sakamoto: “Healthy percentage body fat ranges: an approach for developing
guidelines based on body mass index1–3”. Am J Clin Nutr 2000;72:694–701.
The Body Fat % ranges published are for guidance only. Professional medical guidance should
always be sought before embarking on diet and exercise programs.
BODY WATER -WHY MEASURE IT? Body water is the single most important
component of body weight. It represents over half of your total weight and almost
two thirds of your lean body mass (predominantly muscle). Water performs a number
of important roles in the body:
All the cells in the body, whether in the skin, glands, muscles, brain or anywhere
else, can only function properly if they have enough water. Water also plays a vital
part in regulating the body’s temperature balance, particularly through perspiration.
The combination of your weight and fat measurement could appear to be ‘normal’ but
your body hydration level could be insucient for healthy living.
BF % Range Optimal BW % Range
4 to 14% 70 to 63%
15 to 21% 63 to 57%
22 to 24% 57 to 55%
25 and over 55 to 37%
4 to 20% 70 to 58%
21 to 29% 58 to 52 %
30 to 32 % 52 to 49%
33 and over 49 to 37%
***Source: Derived from Wang & Deurenberg: “Hydration of fat-free body mass”. American Journal Clin Nutr
1999, 69 833-841.
Body water measurement results are influenced by the proportion of body fat and
muscle. If the proportion of body fat is high, or the proportion of muscle is low
then the body water results will tend to be low. It is important to remember that
measurements such as body weight, body fat and body water are tools for you to use
as part of your healthy lifestyle. As short term fluctuations are normal, we suggest
you chart your progress over time, rather than focus on a single days reading.
The Body Water % ranges published are for guidance only. Professional
medical guidance should always be sought before embarking on diet and
exercise programmes.
Body Mass Index (BMI) is an
index of weight-for-height
that is commonly used to
classify underweight,
overweight and obesity in
adults. This scale calculates
your BMI value for you. The
BMI categories shown in
the chart and table below
are recognised by the WHO
(World Health Organisation)
and can be used to interpret
your BMI value.
Your BMI category can be
identified using the table
BMI Category BMI Value Meaning Health Risk Based Solely On BMI
< 18.5 Underweightt Moderate
18.6-24.9 Normal Low
25-29.9 Overweight Moderate
30+ Obese High
IMPORTANT: If the chart/table shows that you are outside of a ‘normal’ healthy
weight range, consult your doctor before taking any action. BMI classifications are for
adults (age 20+ years) only.
How exactly is my body fat and water being measured?
This Salter Scale uses a measurement method known as Bioelectrical Impedance
Analysis (BIA). A minute current is sent through your body, via your feet and legs.
This current flows easily through the lean muscular tissue, which has a high fluid
content, but not easily through fat. Therefore, by measuring your body’s impedance
(i.e. its resistance to the current), the quantity of muscle can be determined. From
this, the quantity of fat and water can then be estimated.
What is the value of the current passing through me when the measurement is
taken? Is it safe?
The current is less than 1mA, which is tiny and perfectly safe. You will not be able
to feel it. Please note however, that this device should not be used by anyone with
an internal electronic medical device, such as a pacemaker, as a precaution against
disruption to that device.
If I measure my body fat and water at dierent times during the day, it can
vary quite considerably. Which value is correct?
Your body fat percentage reading varies with body water content, and the latter
changes throughout the course of the day. There is no right or wrong time of the day
to take a reading, but aim to take measurements at a regular time when you consider
your body to be normally hydrated. Avoid taking readings after having a bath or
sauna, following intensive exercise, or within 1-2 hours of drinking in quantity or
eating a meal.
My friend has a Body Fat Analyser made by another manufacturer.
When I used it I found that I got a dierent body fat reading. Why is this?
Dierent Body Fat Analysers take measurements around dierent parts of the body
and use dierent mathematic algorithms to calculate the percentage of body fat.
The best advice is to not make comparisons from one device to another, but to use
the same device each time to monitor any change.
How do I interpret my body fat and water percentage readings?
Please refer to the Body Fat and Water tables included with the product. They will
guide you as to whether your body fat and water reading falls into a healthy category
(relative to your age and sex).
What should I do if my body fat reading is very ‘high?
A sensible diet, fluid intake and exercise program can reduce your body fat
percentage. Professional medical guidance should always be sought before
embarking on such a program.
Why are the body fat percentage ranges for men and women so dierent?
Women naturally carry a higher percentage of fat than men, because the make-up of
the body is dierent being geared towards pregnancy, breastfeeding etc.
What should I do if my water percentage reading is ‘low’?
Ensure that you are regularly taking sucient water and work towards moving your
fat percentage into the healthy range.
Why should I avoid using the Body Analyser Scale whilst pregnant?
During pregnancy a woman’s body composition changes considerably in order to
6 10
40 50 60 70 80 90 100 130110 140120 150
20 2515
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Justine 10-04-2020
Olá, quando me peso os gramas não aparecem mais, o que devo fazer?

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AlanC 02-05-2022
Funcionou por anos, só precisa saber como mudar lb para kg

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Mais sobre este manual

Entendemos que é bom ter um manual em papel para o seu Salter 9158 Balança. Você sempre pode baixar o manual em nosso site e imprimi-lo você mesmo. Se desejar um manual original, recomendamos que entre em contato com Salter. Eles podem fornecer um manual original. Você está procurando o manual do seu Salter 9158 Balança em outro idioma? Escolha o seu idioma preferido em nossa página inicial e pesquise o número do modelo para ver se o temos disponível.


Marca Salter
Modelo 9158
Categoria Balanças
Tipo de arquivo PDF
Tamanho do arquivo 2.4 MB

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Perguntas frequentes sobre Salter 9158 Balança

Nossa equipe de suporte pesquisa informações úteis e respostas a perguntas frequentes sobre produtos. Se você encontrar algum dado incorreto em nossas perguntas frequentes, informe-nos usando nosso formulário de contato.

Minha balança mostra um peso pouco realista quando estou em cima dela, por que isso? Verificado

Para obter o melhor resultado, a balança deve ficar em uma superfície rígida e nivelada. Quando a balança está sobre um tapete, por exemplo, isso pode influenciar a medição.

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O que é IMC? Verificado

IMC significa Índice de Massa Corporal e pode ser calculado dividindo seu peso em quilogramas pelo seu comprimento em metros ao quadrado. Por exemplo, alguém com 70kg de peso e 1,75m de altura, tem um IMC de 22,86. Um IMC entre 18,5 e 25 é considerado saudável.

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A bateria do meu dispositivo está oxidada. Ainda posso usá-la com segurança? Verificado

Sim, o dispositivo ainda pode ser usado com segurança. Em primeiro lugar, remova a bateria oxidada. Nunca use as mãos desprotegidas para fazer isso. Em seguida, limpe o compartimento da bateria com um cotonete embebido em vinagre ou suco de limão. Deixe secar e insira novas baterias.

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Posso usar uma balança com os pés molhados? Verificado

Isso depende da escala. Ao usar uma escala de diagnóstico é necessário que seus pés estejam secos para realizar as medições corretamente.

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Manual Salter 9158 Balança

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