Manual Rosières RHI 9101SP IN Exaustor

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CONTROLS (Fig. 18):
Push button P1: LIGHTS . Switches on and off the lights.
Push button P2: MOTOR: Switch on and off the motor. Switch on the motor to the latest used speed and if pressed different
times changes the speed in a cyclic way (1,2,3,4,1,2…..) The speed set is visualized by the icon D5 and simultaneously
the icon D8 switches on ( the speed of the rotational movement is proportional to the speed ). To the maximum speed
the icon D8 switches off and the icon D3 switches on.
To switch off the motor, press the push button P2 for about 2 seconds (the set speed is memorized).
Push button P3: Select the functions D4 (Sensor) and/or D7 (Air Refresh).
Push button P4: Reset grease filters and/or charcoal filters.
Icon D1: GREASE FILTERS. It switches on when the grease filter must be cleaned (after about 30 hours of working).
One time the grease filter is cleaned, to make the hours calculation start again, press the push button P4.
Icon D3 : MAXIMUM SPEED. Is activated only when the maximum speed is set.
Icon D4: SENSOR: To activate the sensor function, press the push button P3. To disconnect the sensor, repeat the same
operation. When the sensor activated, the hood switches on automatically in the presence of any kinds of odours or vapours,
smokes or heat, caused by the cooking process and also in the presence of possible and anomalous gas emissions in
Icons D5 and D6: DISPLAY. Displays the set speed; displays the sensor sensitivity.
Icon D7: AIR REFRESH: To start the function Air refresh, press the button P3 until the icon D7 flashes. To deactivate
the Air Refresh function, press the button P3 until the icon D7 goes off.
The function Air Refresh activates only if the motor is not working. Starting the function Air Refresh, the hood recycles
the air in the environment in perfect silence, starting every 5 minutes (for 10 minutes, at the first speed).
NOTE: The Sensor and Air Refresh functions can be activated simultaneously by pressing the button P3 until both
the icons (D4 and D7) come on.
Icon D8 : ENGINE ON. The icon switches on when the engine is at the first, second or third speed. To the fourth speed,
the icon switches off and the icon starts working to the maximum speed (icon D3).
Icon D10: CHARCOAL FILTERS ( For the hood in the filtering version).
It switches on when it is time to replace the charcoal filter/s (after about 120 working hours). One time the charcoal filter/
s is replaced, to make the hours calculation start again press the button P4.
Sensor sensitivity: the sensor sensitivity can be modified by simultaneously pressing the buttons P3 and P4 (the value
set appears on the display D5 and may be between 1 and 9). To modify this value press the button P3. To confirm,
press the button P4 (or it will automatically be confirmed after 5 seconds).
Warning: in order to avoid damaging the sensor, never use silicone products near the hood!
Grease filters: the grease filter/s require particular care and must periodically be cleaned in relation to use. The icon
D1 (Fig. 18) appears on the control display every 30 hours of hood operation to indicate that the grease filter/s need to
be cleaned.Press the button P4 to restart the hour counter.
Removing the grease filter/s (Fig.16): Turn the glass panel gripping it from the font part of the hood. Remove the grease
filter by pushing the catch towards the rear of the hood and turning the filter outwards.
Wash the grease filter/s with neutral detergent.
Charcoal filters: If using the hood in the filtering version, the charcoal filter will periodically have to be replaced
in relation to use.The icon D10 (Fig. 18) appears on the control display every 120 hours of hood operation to indicate
that the charcoal filter needs to be replaced. Press the button P4 to restart the hour counter.
Removing the charcoal filter (Fig.16): Turn the glass panel gripping it from the front part of the hood. Remove the grease
filter by pushing the catch towards the rear of the hood and turning the filter outwards. Then remove the charcoal filter
(Fig. 17). Push the catch towards the inside and turn the filter so that the 2 filter clips slip out of their seats.
Lighting (Fig. 19): Turn the glass panel gripping it from the front part of the hood . To replace the halogen lamps,
open the cover by prising in the slots. Replace with lamps of the same type. WARNING: Do not touch the new lamp
with bare hands.
Diese Abzugshaube ist mit einem vollkommen automatischen System (Advanced Sensor Control) zur Verwaltung aller
vorhandenen Funktionen ausgestattet. Das Raumklima in der Küche bleibt konstant angenehm und frisch, ohne
manuelle Steuerung! Die sensiblen Sensoren spüren jede Art von Dunst, Wrasen, Gerüchen sowie GAS auf und passen
die notwendige Gebläseleistung automatisch an.
Das Gerät kann in Umluftversion und in Abluftversion werden.
Bei Umluftversion werden die durch das Gerät beförderten Dünste und die Abluft durch die Kohlefilter gereinigt und durch
die Lüftungsgitterchen des Rohres wieder in den Raum zurückgeführt (Abb. 1). ZU BEACHTEN: Bei der Benutzung der
Umluftversion müssen ein Kohlefilter sowie ein Luftleitblech verwendet werden (Abb. 1A) das, am oberen Teil der Haube
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Entendemos que é bom ter um manual em papel para o seu Rosières RHI 9101SP IN Exaustor. Você sempre pode baixar o manual em nosso site e imprimi-lo você mesmo. Se desejar um manual original, recomendamos que entre em contato com Rosieres. Eles podem fornecer um manual original. Você está procurando o manual do seu Rosières RHI 9101SP IN Exaustor em outro idioma? Escolha o seu idioma preferido em nossa página inicial e pesquise o número do modelo para ver se o temos disponível.


Marca Rosieres
Modelo RHI 9101SP IN
Categoria Exaustores
Tipo de arquivo PDF
Tamanho do arquivo 0.97 MB

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Perguntas frequentes sobre Rosières RHI 9101SP IN Exaustor

Nossa equipe de suporte pesquisa informações úteis e respostas a perguntas frequentes sobre produtos. Se você encontrar algum dado incorreto em nossas perguntas frequentes, informe-nos usando nosso formulário de contato.

Qual a distância que deve haver entre o meu exaustor e o meu fogão de mesa? Verificado

Isto pode variar dependendo da marca, mas geralmente um exaustor deve ser posicionado pelo menos 65 centímetros acima de um fogão de mesa a gás e pelo menos 50 centímetros acima de um fogão de mesa elétrico ou de indução. Isto é para melhorar a segurança contra incêndios

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Preciso de um exaustor com ou sem motor? Verificado

Os exaustores com motor destinam-se a quando o ar é movido diretamente para o exterior. Um exaustor sem motor é adequado para quando existe um sistema de ventilação central. Nunca conecte um exaustor com motor a um sistema de ventilação central!

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Manual Rosières RHI 9101SP IN Exaustor

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