Manual Rosières RHD 7 SIN Exaustor

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L2 Shows: 1) with motor off, the FILTER RESET IN RED, (30hours Steady LED, 120hours flashing LED)
CONTROLS shown in Fig. 15:
P1) Lights OFF: If pressed, lights go off.
P2) Lights ON: If pressed, lights go on.
P3) OFF/- Motor: Speed drop until minimum speed is reached. If pressed for 2", motor switches off. If pressed for 2"
FILTER RESET on HOUR count reset.
P4) ON/+ Motor: Starts motor and increases motor speed until top speed is reached
P5) ON/OFF: Switches Sensor off and on( AUTOMATIC or MANUAL mode). In Automatic mode, LED L2 is on and L1 shows
operating speed In Manual mode, LED L2 is off.
L1) 4 LEDs 4 GREEN LEDs. Indicate set speed
L2) 4 LEDs GREEN indicates AUTOMATIC mode OFF indicates MANUAL mode RED indicates Filter Reset
FILTER RESET: shown with Motor Off for 30": After 30h the LED L2 becomes steady RED. After 120h LED L2 becomes flashing
RED Reset by means of P3
SENSITIVITY: In manual mode, by pressing P5 and P4 together, sensitivity mode is entered. The set sensitivity is indicated by
the 4 green LEDs. By means of buttons P3(-) and P4(+) the desired sensitivity is set (fig.19/A). By pressing P5 the sensitivity can
be stored, with return to manual mode
CONTROLS shown in Fig. 16:
P1- Lights ON/OFF; filter alarm RESET: if held pressed down for about 2 seconds when the filter alarm is active, the
hour counter is reset. Filter alarm: after 30 hours the light button LED comes on and stays on for 30 seconds; after 120
hours it is activated for 30 seconds but with the LED flashing. The RESET is highlighted ONLY when the motor is OFF,
both in automatic and manual mode.
Automatic function: To activate the automatic function press P2, highlighted by the corresponding LED coming on;
flashing LED indicates that the sensor is waiting for data. To set the sensitivity: in manual mode and with the motor off press P2
and P3 simultaneously; the sensitivity already set with the P3 or P4 or P5 LEDs is highlighted. To modify it, press P3 or P4 or P5
(MIN, MED, MAX), and again press P2 to store it. At this point, the desired sensitivity has been stored; press P2 again to
deactivate the automatic mode.
Manual function: When the LED P2 is off, you are in manual mode. Press P3 when in manual mode to turn on the motor
in 1st speed with the relevant LED on. Holding it down for 2 seconds, the motor is turned off. Press P4 to go to 2nd speed with
the relevant LED on and P5 to go to 3rd speed with the relevant LED on.
Grease filters: special attention must be given to the grease filters which must be periodically cleaned, whenever the grease
filter alarm trips. For instructions of the filter Alarm, refer to the Controls paragraph. Remove the filters as shown in para. 1 and
wash with neutral detergent.
Charcoal filters: if the filtering version appliance is used, the charcoal filters will have to be periodically replaced when the
charcoal filter alarm trips. For instructions on the filter Alarm, refer to the Controls paragraph.
Removing the charcoal filter/s: first of all, remove the grease filters; push the catch inwards (Fig.13) and remove the charcoal filter
from its case. Reposition a new charcoal filter of the same type inverting the operations.
Lighting: to change the halogen bulbs open the cover levering from the proper slots (Fig.17). Replace with bulbs of the same
CAUTION: Do not handle glass bulb with bare hands. If, after replacing the halogen lights, these fail to work, allow the
appliance to cool and then interrupt power for a few seconds.
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Entendemos que é bom ter um manual em papel para o seu Rosières RHD 7 SIN Exaustor. Você sempre pode baixar o manual em nosso site e imprimi-lo você mesmo. Se desejar um manual original, recomendamos que entre em contato com Rosieres. Eles podem fornecer um manual original. Você está procurando o manual do seu Rosières RHD 7 SIN Exaustor em outro idioma? Escolha o seu idioma preferido em nossa página inicial e pesquise o número do modelo para ver se o temos disponível.


Marca Rosieres
Modelo RHD 7 SIN
Categoria Exaustores
Tipo de arquivo PDF
Tamanho do arquivo 0.14 MB

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Perguntas frequentes sobre Rosières RHD 7 SIN Exaustor

Nossa equipe de suporte pesquisa informações úteis e respostas a perguntas frequentes sobre produtos. Se você encontrar algum dado incorreto em nossas perguntas frequentes, informe-nos usando nosso formulário de contato.

Qual a distância que deve haver entre o meu exaustor e o meu fogão de mesa? Verificado

Isto pode variar dependendo da marca, mas geralmente um exaustor deve ser posicionado pelo menos 65 centímetros acima de um fogão de mesa a gás e pelo menos 50 centímetros acima de um fogão de mesa elétrico ou de indução. Isto é para melhorar a segurança contra incêndios

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Preciso de um exaustor com ou sem motor? Verificado

Os exaustores com motor destinam-se a quando o ar é movido diretamente para o exterior. Um exaustor sem motor é adequado para quando existe um sistema de ventilação central. Nunca conecte um exaustor com motor a um sistema de ventilação central!

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Manual Rosières RHD 7 SIN Exaustor

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