Manual Makita BMR105 Rádio

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shown on the display. Then press the Volume/Tuning
Control/Select knob to enter the setting. The display
will show the current DRC value.
4. Rotate the Volume/Tuning Control/Select knob to
select desired DRC setting.
5. Press the Volume/Tuning Control/Select knob to
confirm the setting.
Station order setup – DAB
Your radio has 3 station order settings from which you can
choose. The station order settings are alphanumeric,
ensemble and valid station.
1. Press the Advanced setting button.
2. Rotate the Volume/Tuning Control/Select knob until
“Station order” appearing on the display, then press
the Volume/Tuning Control/Select knob to enter the
3. Rotate the Volume/Tuning Control/Select knob to
select the following options and press the knob to
confirm the setting.
Alphanumeric Sorts the station list alpha-numerically
0...9 A...Z
Ensemble Organizes the station list by DAB
Valid Shows only those stations for which a
signal can be found
Scan Tuning – FM
1. Press the Power button to turn on the radio.
2. Select the desired waveband by pressing the Band
button. Make sure the soft bended rod antenna has
been well placed for best FM reception. Try to avoid
operating the radio next to a computer screen and
other equipment which will cause interference to the
3. Press the Auto tune button and the radio will search
and stop automatically when it finds a radio station.
The radio will continue searching for the next available
station unless the operator presses the Auto tune
button to stop the scanning.
4. Rotate the Volume/Tuning Control/Select knob to get
the desired sound level. The LCD display will show
sound level changes.
In order to use the Volume/Tuning Control/Select knob
to find your desired station, press and hold the
Volume/Tuning Control/Select knob to switch to the
tuning control mode.
5. To turn off the radio, press the Power button.
FM scan zone
When using FM mode, your radio can be set to scan
either local stations or to scan all stations including distant
radio stations.
Manual Tuning – FM
1. Press the Power button to turn on the radio.
2. Press the Band button to select desired waveband.
Adjust the antenna as described above.
3. Rotate the Volume/Tuning Control/Select knob will
change the frequency in the following increment:
FM: 50 or 100 kHz
In order to use the Volume/Tuning Control/Select knob
to find your desired station, press and hold the
Volume/Tuning Control/Select knob to switch to the
tuning control mode.
4. Keep rotating the Volume/Tuning Control/Select knob
until desired frequency is shown on the display.
5. Rotate the Volume/Tuning Control/Select knob to get
the desired sound level.
6. To turn off the radio, press the Power button.
Display modes – FM
Your radio has a range of display options for FM radio
Repeat pressing the Info button to cycle through the
different options.
a. Program station Indicates the name of the station
being listened to.
b. Radio text Indicates text message such as
new items, etc.
c. Program type Indicates the type of station being
listened to such as Pop, Classic,
News, etc.
d Time & date Indicates the current time and date.
e. Frequency Indicates the frequency of the FM
Storing stations in preset memories (DAB
and FM)
There are 5 memory presets for each waveband.
1. Press the Power button to turn on the radio.
2. Tune to the desired station using one of the methods
previously described.
3. Press and hold the desired Preset button until the
preset number shown on the display, for example, “P2
Saved”. The station is then stored in the selected
Preset button.
4. Repeat this procedure for the remaining presets.
5. Stations stored in the preset memories can be
overwritten by following the procedures described
Recall stations from the preset memories
(DAB and FM)
1. Press the Power button to turn on the radio.
2. Press the Band button to select your desired
3. Press the desired Preset button momentarily. The
preset number and station frequency will appear in the
Descarregue o manual em português (PDF, 1.98 MB)
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Entendemos que é bom ter um manual em papel para o seu Makita BMR105 Rádio. Você sempre pode baixar o manual em nosso site e imprimi-lo você mesmo. Se desejar um manual original, recomendamos que entre em contato com Makita. Eles podem fornecer um manual original. Você está procurando o manual do seu Makita BMR105 Rádio em outro idioma? Escolha o seu idioma preferido em nossa página inicial e pesquise o número do modelo para ver se o temos disponível.


Marca Makita
Modelo BMR105
Categoria Rádios
Tipo de arquivo PDF
Tamanho do arquivo 1.98 MB

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O que é DAB+? Verificado

DAB+ é o sucessor do sinal FM e significa "Digital Audio Broadcasting" (radiodifusão sonora digital). Um sinal digital permite ter mais canais para a mesma largura de banda, e facilita a troca entre os canais.

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Qual é a diferença entre FM e AM? Verificado

FM e AM são formas de modulação usadas para transmitir um sinal. FM significa modulação de frequência e AM significa modulação de amplitude. AM é a forma mais antiga de modulação. A maior diferença é que o sinal FM é muito mais forte do que o sinal AM.

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Manual Makita BMR105 Rádio

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