Manual Denver DAB-56C Rádio

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With the UNIT switched on, or in Standby, short press the ALARM/SLEEP button. The display
shows the current ALARM settings for 5s and then returns to the previous screen. From Standby,
the display will light, show the settings for about 5s and then go back to Standby.
1. With the UNIT switched ON, or in Standby mode, press the ALARM/SLEEP button until the
Alarm1 menu is shown.
2. OFF or ON is flashing to indicate that it can be changed. Short press the UP or DOWN button
to change between OFF and ON and short press ENTER to confirm
3. The hour digits are now flashing. Use the UP or DOWN button to set the required time and
short press the ENTER button to confirm. Short press the UP or DOWN button to change the
hour setting in one hour increments or long press either key to scroll quickly to the required
4. The minutes can now be set, as described above and then short press ENTER button to
5. Alarm source (BEEP1,BEEP2,FM or DAB) is now flashing. Short press the UP or DOWN button
to select and short press ENTER button to confirm. The display continues to show the ALARM
settings for a short time and then exits the Alarm menu.
1. With the UNIT switched ON, or in Standby mode, press the ALARM/SLEEP button 2 times until
the Alarm2 menu is shown.
2. OFF or ON is flashing to indicate that it can be changed. Short press the UP or DOWN button
to change between OFF and ON and short press ENTER button to confirm
3. The hour digits are now flashing. Use the UP or DOWN button to set the required time and
short press the ENTER button to confirm. Short press the UP or DOWN button to change the
hour setting in one hour increments or long press either key to scroll quickly to the required
4. The minutes can now be set, as described above and then short press ENTER button to
5. Alarm source (BEEP1,BEEP2,FM or DAB) is now flashing. Short press the UP or DOWN button
to select and short press ENTER button to confirm. The display continues to show the ALARM
settings for a short time and then exits the Alarm menu.
Note: The ALARM1 or ALARM2 symbol is shown in the top right hand corner of the display when
the unit is in Standby mode.
In standby mode, the alarm (BEEP1,BEEP2,FM or DAB) will sound automatically at your desried
alarm setting time.
The Alarm sound on the UNIT can be changed to an electronic beep tone if preferred.
1. At step 5 (above) i.e. when FM is flashing, short press either the UP or DOWN button to change
the setting to BEEP tone1 or BEEP tone2. Short press the ENTER button to confirm.
If you have selected a DAB station as the Alarm sound and for any reason the station is not
available e.g. is off-air, the BUZZ sound will be heard when the Alarm activates.
With the Alarm set to ON, it will sound each day at the set time. To turn the Alarm OFF,Short press
the ALARM/SLEEP button and while the Alarm settings are still on screen, press the UP or DOWN
button to select alarm OFF then press ENTER button to confirm.
This can be done with the UNIT switched ON or in Standby mode.
Descarregue o manual em português (PDF, 5.27 MB)
(Considere o meio ambiente e apenas imprima este manual se for realmente necessário)



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Mais sobre este manual

Entendemos que é bom ter um manual em papel para o seu Denver DAB-56C Rádio. Você sempre pode baixar o manual em nosso site e imprimi-lo você mesmo. Se desejar um manual original, recomendamos que entre em contato com Denver. Eles podem fornecer um manual original. Você está procurando o manual do seu Denver DAB-56C Rádio em outro idioma? Escolha o seu idioma preferido em nossa página inicial e pesquise o número do modelo para ver se o temos disponível.


Marca Denver
Modelo DAB-56C
Categoria Rádios
Tipo de arquivo PDF
Tamanho do arquivo 5.27 MB

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O que é DAB+? Verificado

DAB+ é o sucessor do sinal FM e significa "Digital Audio Broadcasting" (radiodifusão sonora digital). Um sinal digital permite ter mais canais para a mesma largura de banda, e facilita a troca entre os canais.

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Qual é a diferença entre FM e AM? Verificado

FM e AM são formas de modulação usadas para transmitir um sinal. FM significa modulação de frequência e AM significa modulação de amplitude. AM é a forma mais antiga de modulação. A maior diferença é que o sinal FM é muito mais forte do que o sinal AM.

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Manual Denver DAB-56C Rádio

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