Manual Black and Decker SB75 Varinha mágica

Precisa de um manual para o seu Black and Decker SB75 Varinha mágica? Abaixo você pode visualizar e baixar gratuitamente o manual em PDF em português. Este produto tem atualmente 3 perguntas frequentes, 0 comentários e tem 0 votos. Se este não for o manual que você deseja, por favor contacte-nos.

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Intended use
Your Black & Decker stick blender has been designed for
blending, mixing, beating, whipping, whisking and chopping
food and beverage ingredients. Do not use this appliance for
any other purpose. This product is intended for household
use only.
Safety instructions
Warning! When using mains-powered appliances, basic
safety precautions, including the following, should always be
followed to reduce the risk of fire, electric shock, personal
injury and material damage.
X Read all of this manual carefully before using the
X The intended use is described in this manual. The use
of any accessory or attachment or the performance of
any operation with this appliance other than those
recommended in this instruction manual may present a
risk of personal injury.
X Retain this manual for future reference.
Using your appliance
X Make sure that the appliance is switched off before
connecting to or disconnecting from the power supply.
X Always take care when using the appliance.
X Do not use the appliance outdoors.
X Always protect the motor unit from water or excessive
X Do not operate the appliance if your hands are wet.
X Do not operate the appliance if you are barefoot.
X Do not touch moving parts. Keep long hair and loose
clothing out of the way of the moving parts.
X Guide the power supply cord neatly so it does not hang
over the edge of a worktop and cannot be caught
accidentally or tripped over.
X Never pull the power supply cord to disconnect the plug
from the socket. Keep the power supply cord away from
heat, oil and sharp edges.
X Switch off and wait for the motor to stop running before
disconnecting the appliance from the power supply.
X Never detach any part or accessory while the appliance
is still connected to the power supply. Always
disconnect the appliance from the power supply first.
X If the power supply cord is damaged during use,
disconnect the appliance from the power supply
immediately. Do not touch the power supply cord before
disconnecting from the power supply.
X Disconnect the appliance from the power supply when
not in use, before fitting or removing parts and before
X Misuse could cause an injury.
X Keep loose clothing, hair, jewellery etc. away from
moving parts.
X Care is needed when handling cutting blades,
especially when removing the blades and during
Safety of others
X Do not allow children or any person unfamiliar with
these instructions to use the appliance.
X Do not allow children or animals to come near the work
area or to touch the appliance or power supply cord.
Close supervision is necessary when the appliance is
used near children.
X This appliance is not intended for use by persons
(including children) with reduced physical, sensory or
mental capabilities, or lack of experience and
knowledge, unless they have been give supervision or
instruction concerning use of the appliance by a person
responsible for their safety.
X Children must be supervised to make sure that they do
not play with the appliance.
After use
X Switch off the appliance before cleaning, changing
accessories or approaching parts which move in use.
X Switch off and remove the plug from the socket before
leaving the appliance unattended and before changing,
cleaning or inspecting any parts of the appliance.
X When not in use, the appliance should be stored in a dry
place. Children should not have access to stored
Inspection and repairs
X Before use, check the appliance for damaged or
defective parts. Check for breakage of parts, damage to
switches and any other conditions that may affect its
X Do not use the appliance if any part is damaged or
X Have any damaged or defective parts repaired or
replaced by an authorised repair agent.
X Before use, check the power supply cord for signs of
damage, ageing and wear.
X Do not use the appliance if the power supply cord or
mains plug is damaged or defective.
X If the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by the
manufacturer or an authorised Black & Decker Service
Centre in order to avoid a hazard.
X Never attempt to remove or replace any parts other than
those specified in this manual.
Descarregue o manual em português (PDF, 0.32 MB)
(Considere o meio ambiente e apenas imprima este manual se for realmente necessário)



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Mais sobre este manual

Entendemos que é bom ter um manual em papel para o seu Black and Decker SB75 Varinha mágica. Você sempre pode baixar o manual em nosso site e imprimi-lo você mesmo. Se desejar um manual original, recomendamos que entre em contato com Black and Decker. Eles podem fornecer um manual original. Você está procurando o manual do seu Black and Decker SB75 Varinha mágica em outro idioma? Escolha o seu idioma preferido em nossa página inicial e pesquise o número do modelo para ver se o temos disponível.


Marca Black and Decker
Modelo SB75
Categoria Varinhas mágicas
Tipo de arquivo PDF
Tamanho do arquivo 0.32 MB

Todos os manuais para Black and Decker Varinhas mágicas
Mais manuais de Varinhas mágicas

Perguntas frequentes sobre Black and Decker SB75 Varinha mágica

Nossa equipe de suporte pesquisa informações úteis e respostas a perguntas frequentes sobre produtos. Se você encontrar algum dado incorreto em nossas perguntas frequentes, informe-nos usando nosso formulário de contato.

Qual a melhor forma de limpar uma varinha mágica? Verificado

A maioria das varinhas possui uma peça destacável que pode ser colocada na máquina de lavar louça, isto deve ser indicado no manual. A limpeza manual pode ser feita colocando as lâminas em uma tigela com água morna e ligando a varinha mágica. Adicione um pouco de detergente, se desejar. Nunca seque as lâminas, pois isso pode fazer com que fiquem cegas.

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Como uso as diferentes velocidades? Verificado

É melhor começar com a velocidade mais baixa e aumentar até a velocidade mais alta. Isso dará os melhores resultados e menos respingos.

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Posso enrolar o cabo ao redor do dispositivo após o uso? Verificado

É melhor não fazer isso, porque pode danificar o cabo. O melhor a fazer é enrolar o cabo da mesma forma que estava quando o produto foi embalado.

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Manual Black and Decker SB75 Varinha mágica

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