Manual Black and Decker GL580 Aparador de relva

Precisa de um manual para o seu Black and Decker GL580 Aparador de relva? Abaixo você pode visualizar e baixar gratuitamente o manual em PDF em português. Este produto tem atualmente 0 perguntas frequentes, 0 comentários e tem 1 voto com uma classificação média do produto de 100/100. Se este não for o manual que você deseja, por favor contacte-nos.

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Safety instructions
Read all of this manual carefully, observing all the
recommended safety instructions before, during and
after using your machine. Maintain your machine in
good working order.
Familiarise yourself with the controls on your machine
before attempting to operate it, but above all, be sure
you know how to stop your machine in an emergency.
Retain this manual and all other literature supplied
with your machine for future reference.
Electrical connection
Your machine is designed for use on AC (mains)
electrical supplies only. Do not attempt to use on
any other supply.
Plug your machine into a power point, never in a
light socket.
Do not leave your machine unattended whilst it is
connected to the electrical supply.
Always switch off and remove the plug from the
mains before cleaning, inspecting or adjusting
any part of the trimmer, or if the supply cable has
become damaged or entangled.
Power supply cable
The power supply cable should be regularly
inspected for signs of damage or ageing and
only used if in good condition.
Always keep the power supply cable away from
the cutting line (5), be aware of its position at
all times.
Never carry your machine by the cable or jerk the
cable to separate the connectors. Keep the
cable away from heat, oils and sharp edges.
Have damaged cables replaced completely by
your nearest Black & Decker service centre. Do
not attempt to do this yourself as the switch
handle is not customer serviceable.
When fitting a replacement rewireable plug
neither wire of the supply cable should be
connected to the earth terminal.
Cutting line
Take care against injury from line trimming blade
(7) during unpacking and assembly and any
excess line which may be cut off when the
trimmer is first operated.
The cutting line (5) will continue to run for a short
time after releasing the switch lever. Under no
circumstances should you attempt to stop the
cutting line, always allow it to stop on its own.
Instruction Manual
Your purchase of this Black & Decker Reflex
assures you of years of problem free trimming. The
not only trim ’n’ edges your lawn, it also has
a unique totally automatic line feed system. You do
nothing - the Reflex
system means non-stop
trimming; by the use of a simple mechanism it
senses when the line has worn and, when needed,
automatically feeds out line to its optimum cutting
length. You just switch the unit on and trim.
Following is a list of the parts that will be mentioned
in this instruction leaflet and are shown in the
appropriate diagrams:
1. Body
2. Secondary handle
3. Cable restraint
4. Locking ring
5. Cutting line
6. Guard
7. Line trimming blade
8. Spool cover
9. Edge guide
10. Guard retaining lugs
11. Cable storage hooks
12. Spool housing
13. Spool cover tab
14. Lever
15. Eyelet
16. Arrow
17. Spool
18. Hanging hole
19. Power inlet or cable
20. Switch handle
21. Trigger switch
22. Guard screw
23. Guard screw hole
24. Arrow
25. Skid
26. Pedal
27. Button
Descarregue o manual em português (PDF, 0.38 MB)
(Considere o meio ambiente e apenas imprima este manual se for realmente necessário)



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Mais sobre este manual

Entendemos que é bom ter um manual em papel para o seu Black and Decker GL580 Aparador de relva. Você sempre pode baixar o manual em nosso site e imprimi-lo você mesmo. Se desejar um manual original, recomendamos que entre em contato com Black and Decker. Eles podem fornecer um manual original. Você está procurando o manual do seu Black and Decker GL580 Aparador de relva em outro idioma? Escolha o seu idioma preferido em nossa página inicial e pesquise o número do modelo para ver se o temos disponível.


Marca Black and Decker
Modelo GL580
Categoria Aparadores de relva
Tipo de arquivo PDF
Tamanho do arquivo 0.38 MB

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Manual Black and Decker GL580 Aparador de relva

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