Manual AEG 239D-W Exaustor

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Closely follow the instructions set out in this
manual. All responsibility, for any eventual
inconveniences, damages or res caused
by not complying with the instructions in
this manual, is declined. The extractor hood
has been designed exclusively for domestic
Warning! Do not connect the appliance
to the mains until the installation is fully
Before any cleaning or maintenance
operation, disconnect hood from the mains
by removing the plug or disconnecting the
mains electrical supply.
Always wear work gloves for all installation
and maintenance operations.
The appliance is not intended for use by
children or persons with impaired physical,
sensorial or mental faculties, or if lacking
in experience or knowledge, unless they
are under supervision or have been trained
in the use of the appliance by a person
responsible for their safety.
This appliance is designed to be operated
by adults, children should be monitored
to ensure that they do not play with the
appliance. This appliance is designed to be
operated by adults. Children should not be
allowed to tamper with the controls or play
with the appliance.
Never use the hood without effectively
mounted grating!
The hood must NEVER be used as
a support surface unless speci cally
The premises where the appliance is
nstalled must be suf ciently ventilated,
when the kitchen hood is used together
with other gas combustion devices or
other fuels. The ducting system for this
appliance must not be connected to
any existing ventilation system which is
being used for any other purpose such as
discharging exhaust fumes from appliances
burning gas or other fuels. The aming of
foods beneath the hood itself is severely
The use of exposed ames is detrimental
to the lters and may cause a re risk,
and must therefore be avoided in all
Any frying must be done with care in order
to make sure that the oil does not overheat
and ignite.
Accessible parts of the hood may became
hot when used with cooking appliance.
With regards to the technical and safety
measures to be adopted for fume
discharging it is important to closely follow
the regulations provided by the local
The hood must be regularly cleaned on
both the inside and outside (AT LEAST
This must be completed in accordance
with the maintenance instructions provided
in this manual). Failure to follow the
instructions provided in this user guide
regarding the cleaning of the hood and
lters will lead to the risk of res.
Do not use or leave the hood without the
lamp correctly mounted due to the possible
risk of electric shocks.
We will not accept any responsibility for
any faults, damage or res caused to the
appliance as a result of the non-observance
of the instructions included in this manual.
The hood is designed to be used either for
exhausting or lter version .
The mains power supply must correspond
to the rating indicated on the plate situated
inside the hood. If provided with a plug
connect the hood to a socket in compliance
with current regulations and positioned in
an accessible area, after installation. If it not
tted with a plug (direct mains connection)
or if the plug is not located in an accessible
area, after installation, apply a double
pole switch in accordance with standards
which assures the complete disconnection
of the mains under conditions relating to
over-current category III, in accordance with
installation instructions.
Warning! Before re-connecting the hood
circuit to the mains supply and checking
the ef cient function, always check that the
mains cable is correctly assembled.
Descarregue o manual em português (PDF, 9.94 MB)
(Considere o meio ambiente e apenas imprima este manual se for realmente necessário)



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Mais sobre este manual

Entendemos que é bom ter um manual em papel para o seu AEG 239D-W Exaustor. Você sempre pode baixar o manual em nosso site e imprimi-lo você mesmo. Se desejar um manual original, recomendamos que entre em contato com AEG. Eles podem fornecer um manual original. Você está procurando o manual do seu AEG 239D-W Exaustor em outro idioma? Escolha o seu idioma preferido em nossa página inicial e pesquise o número do modelo para ver se o temos disponível.


Marca AEG
Modelo 239D-W
Categoria Exaustores
Tipo de arquivo PDF
Tamanho do arquivo 9.94 MB

Todos os manuais para AEG Exaustores
Mais manuais de Exaustores

Perguntas frequentes sobre AEG 239D-W Exaustor

Nossa equipe de suporte pesquisa informações úteis e respostas a perguntas frequentes sobre produtos. Se você encontrar algum dado incorreto em nossas perguntas frequentes, informe-nos usando nosso formulário de contato.

Qual a distância que deve haver entre o meu exaustor e o meu fogão de mesa? Verificado

Isto pode variar dependendo da marca, mas geralmente um exaustor deve ser posicionado pelo menos 65 centímetros acima de um fogão de mesa a gás e pelo menos 50 centímetros acima de um fogão de mesa elétrico ou de indução. Isto é para melhorar a segurança contra incêndios

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Preciso de um exaustor com ou sem motor? Verificado

Os exaustores com motor destinam-se a quando o ar é movido diretamente para o exterior. Um exaustor sem motor é adequado para quando existe um sistema de ventilação central. Nunca conecte um exaustor com motor a um sistema de ventilação central!

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Como posso limpar os filtros do exaustor AEG? Verificado

Os filtros de todos os exaustores AEG podem ser lavados à mão. Alguns modelos possuem um filtro que pode ser lavado na máquina de lavar louça. Isso pode ser encontrado no manual do usuário. Certifique-se de que o filtro esteja seco ao colocá-lo de volta na coifa.

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Manual AEG 239D-W Exaustor

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